Tuesday, October 10, 2006


01. LORD - kurios - emphasises the authority of God. This is His divine title - it emphasises His deity.
02. JESUS = Joshua = Jehovah Saves. This is His human name - it emphasises His humanity.
03. CHRIST = Messiah = The Chosen One. This is His calling - it emphasises His purpose.
04. It is respectful to refer to Him by His full title: the Lord Jesus Christ.
05. SON OF GOD which emphasises deity - John 5:18, 10:33
06. SON OF MAN which emphasises humanity. He calls himself this 30 times in Matthew, 15 in Mark, 25 in Luke and 12 in John.
07. SON OF DAVID - He is King of the Jews on the throne of David forever.
08. THE LAST ADAM (1 Corinthians 15:45)
09. ADVOCATE (1 John 2:1)
10. AMEN (Revelation 3:14)
12. BRANCH (Zechariah 3:8, 6:12)
13. BRIGHT AND MORNING STAR (Revelation 22:16)
14. CORNERSTONE (1 Peter 2:6)
15. DAVID THE KING (Jeremiah 30:9, Hosea 3:5)
16. DAY SPRING (Luke 1:78)
17. DELIVERER (Romans 11:26)
18. ELOHIM (Isaiah 40:3, 9:6,7, John 20:28, Titus 1:3, 2:13, Romans 15:6, Ephesians 1:3, 5:5,20, 2 Peter 1:1, 1 John 5:20, Romans 9:5)
19. EMMANUEL God with us (Matthew 1:23)
20. THE FAITHFUL AND TRUE (Revelation 19)
21. FIRST AND LAST (Revelation 1:8, 17)
23. HIGH PRIEST (Hebrews 5:1,5)
24. HOLY ONE (Luke 4:34, Acts 3:14)
25. IMAGE OF GOD (2 Corinthians 4:4)
26. JEHOVAH (Zechariah 12:10, Jeremiah 23:5,6, Psalm 68:18, Ephesians 4:8-10, Psalm 102:12, Hebrews 1:10 ff., Revelation 1-22, Malachi 3:1)
27. JUST ONE (Acts 3:14, 7:52)
28. KING OF ISRAEL (John 1:49)
29. KING OF THE JEWS (Matthew 2:2)
30. KING OF KINGS (Revelation 17:14)
31. LAMB OF GOD (John 1:29, Revelation 5:6)
32. LIGHT TRUE (John 1:8, 9)
33. LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH (Revelation 5:5)
34. LORD (John 20:28)
35. LORD OF LORDS (Revelation 17:14)
36. LORD OF GLORY (1 Corinthians 2:8)
37. LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS (Jeremiah 23:6)
38. MAKER AND PRESERVER OF ALL THINGS (John 1:3, Colossians 1:16)
39. MEDIATOR (1 Timothy 2:5, Hebrews 12:24)
40. MESSIAH (John 1:41)
41. NAZARENE (Matthew 2:23)
42. PASSOVER (OUR) (1 Corinthians 5:7)
43. PRINCE OF LIFE (Acts 3:15)
44. PRINCE OF PEACE (Isaiah 9:6)
45. PROPHET (Deuteronomy 18:18, Luke 24:19-20)
46. REDEEMER (Job 19:25)
47. ROOT OF DAVID (Revelation 5:5, 22:16)
48. RULER OF ISRAEL (Micah 5:2)
49. SAVIOUR (Luke 2:11, Acts 5:31)
50. SHEPHERD (John 10:11, Hebrews 13:20)
51. SHILOH (Genesis 49:10)
52. SON OF GOD (Matthew 3:17, Luke 1:32)
53. SON ONLY BEGOTTEN (John 1:1 4, 18)
54. SON OF MAN (Matthew 8:20, John 1:5 1)
55. SON OF DAVID (Matthew 9:27, 21:9)
56. STAR AND SCEPTRE (Numbers 24:17)
57. WAY TRUTH AND LIFE (John 14:6)
58. WITNESS FAITHFUL (Revelation 1:5)
59. WORD (John 1:1, Revelation 19:13)Note: This is not an exhaustive list of names of our LORD and SAVIOUR.

in soon returning
Y'Shua's Service
Pastor, Teacher and Mentor
Call and Conviction - PROMISE


01. DEFINITION: Life belonging to the ages (Greek word aionios). This is the life of the believer who had a beginning in time but whose life will continue through the other side of death into the infinite future.
02. Mankind were created for eternity. God's purpose was to create a being to enjoy fellowship with forever. 2 Peter 3: 9.
03. The issue for entry into eternal life is faith in Christ. The choice for man is clearly stated in John 3:36, 5:24, Acts 13:46, Galatians 6:8, Matthew 25:6.
04. Those who are serious about life and concerned about death ask about it. Matthew 13:40-43, 19:16, Mark 10:17, Luke 10:25, 18:18.
05. The Lord's words provide the answer to the questions about eternal life. John 6:68, Romans 5:20, 21, Romans 6:22, 23. It is the Lord who gives eternal life, John 5:39, 40, 12:50.
06. The Lord gives eternal life to those who believe on him, John 10:28, 17:2, The door to fellowship and all that goes with it is opened by faith in him as Saviour. John 3:15,16, Acts 13:48, John 6:40, 47. TO EAT HIS FLESH AND DRINK HIS BLOOD is graphic language to picture his work and our need to appropriate it for ourselves. John 6:54, 4:14.
07. While it may only be fully known in heaven the believer may grasp a glimpse of eternal life here and now by way of anticipation and relationship. Knowing God is a glimpse of eternal life now, John 17:3, and fellowship with him is the joy of every believer now and forever. 1 John 1:1-4, 5:10-12, 20, 1 Timothy 6:12, 19.
08. Eternal life is received in full at the resurrection/rapture when we all receive our new bodies from the Lord. Rewards are received then to enjoy with the Lord forever. We are all urged to live each day with the eternal life perspective in mind, thinking of our place with the Lord forever. Matthew 19:29, 30, Mark 10:29-31, John 12:25, John 4:36, Romans 2:6,7.
09. Eternal Life is the believers hope, associated with the Rapture and Resurrection, and should be on our mind through each day, as it sets us apart from the unbelievers who have no such hope. Philippians 3:20, 21,
Titus 1:2, 2:13, 3:7, 1 Thessalonians 2:19, 4:13, 1 Peter 1:3,
10. The assurance of eternal life is grounded in the promise of God given through Christ. 1 John 2:24,25, 1 John 5:13-15.
Note: Anyone who hates (abominates, detests) his brother [in Christ] is [at heart] a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding (persevering) within him.1John 3:15

Arul M. Raj
in the soon returning
Y'Shua's Service
Pastor, Teacher, Mentor